25 October 2015

Fake Nutribullet Singapore qoo10

Genuine vs Fake Nutribullet

Please be careful when you buy Nutribullet in Singapore via qoo10 or any other place such as ebay, third party online seller, there are really fake Nutribullet out there with a sub standard quality and for safety please pay a little bit more at the department store (about $99 during discount period compared to $50 -$60 at qoo10).

I'm not sure whether all seller from qoo10 are selling a fake Nutribullet but at least the one that I bought from there is a fake. When I got it, I was quite happy and didn't realize it at all but upon checking the same Nutribullet from Metro (which I bought it at the end) confirmed my finding. 

The most obvious difference that you can spot on is the logo, the fake one doesn't have a trademark ® logo, the brand logo "Nutribullet" itself is kind of blurry / washed off white color. there isn't any trademark logo at the word "Magic Bullet"as well. 

At the back of the Nutribullet main unit, 
  • There is not safety mark logo for the fake one
  • The paint also showing a sub standard quality, quite blurry. 
  • There is no CE certification (The CE mark, or formerly EC mark, is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985) 

At the base of Nutribullet Magicbullet main unit:
  • The fake Nutribullet states the name as "blender" while the genuine has "Nutribullet" as the name
  • The fake Nutrbullet doesn't have "made in" while the genuine made in China. 

Power cable: 
  • It has a model number, and extra caution (number 10) 
  • The genuine power cable head has a better quality  

The Blade: 
  • It has a different shape, especially on the bottom two blades. 
  • on the base, the genuine Nutribullet has an extra stainless steel plate with a better quality of rubber. 

Conclusion: I would recommend to buy the Nutribullet from a department store, avoid the cheaper price. I've been using the fake Nutribullet and so far encountering this issue: one of the plastic glass broken and cracked, it leaks sometimes, it doesn't produce smooth juice I guess because of the blade shape.  

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